Category: News

May 01

by Robert Fulford, D.O. Man breathes throughout his life. One cycle of digestion of…

Apr 30
The Novel 2019 Coronavirus

Reminders when sick: Eliminate refined sugars and foods with a high glycemic index…

Apr 28
Vitamin C for COVID-19

(OMNS Mar 3, 2020) The government of Shanghai, China has announced its official…

Apr 25
Cleaning Up Alternative Medicine’s Mess

Not long ago, someone asked me for guidance on one of those infrequent but memorable…

Apr 22
COVID-19 Vaccine Shipped, and Drug Trials Start

Moderna Therapeutics, a biotech company based in Cambridge, Mass., has shipped the…

Apr 21

Richard Robinson advises on the homeopathic treatment and prevention of this…

Apr 15
When is Lyme Disease not Lyme Disease?

Remember the old joke about “When is a door not a door?” It took me the longest time…

Apr 15
WMA Declaration Of Helsinki – Ethical Principles For Medical Research Involving Human Subjects

Adopted by the 18th WMA General Assembly, Helsinki, Finland, June 1964 and…

Apr 10
Is there a lesson in this pandemic?

Corona virus – COVID-19 – is there a lesson in this pandemic? I can think of several,…

Apr 07
COVID-19 (Wuhan Coronavirus) Update

COVID-19 (Wuhan Coronavirus) Update: Homeopathics, Herbs, Foods, Essential Oils, and…