Dr. Joseph Helms, MD (H), is a pioneering figure in the field of medical acupuncture in the United States. With over four decades of experience, he is widely regarded as the Father of Medical Acupuncture in the country.
Since 1978, Dr. Helms has been teaching physicians through the continuing medical education program "Medical Acupuncture for Physicians." Initially sponsored by the UCLA School of Medicine and later by the Stanford School of Medicine, Dr. Helms has been chairing the program through the Helms Medical Institute in Berkeley, California, since 2000. The program has been attended by 7,000 physicians, representing 90% of physicians practicing acupuncture in the US.
In addition, Dr. Helms and his team at the Helms Medical Institute have been training military healthcare providers in medical acupuncture since 2007. This training is offered both as exclusive programs and as part of the semiannual civilian program. To date, 400 military providers have completed the training.
As founding president of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, Dr. Helms has played a pivotal role in establishing training and practice standards for medical acupuncture. He has also served as a consultant on the World Health Organization's acupuncture scientific advisory committees, helping to establish international training and practice standards.
With his extensive experience and contributions to the field of medical acupuncture, Dr. Joseph Helm has made a lasting impact on the healthcare industry in the United States and around the world.